How to stop Malaria?

The road towards stopping Malaria has been an endless one. In 2020, The World Health Organization called on countries and global health partners to step up the fight against malaria which continues to be a menace especially in Africa. The same year, WHO reported progress against malaria continued to plateau, particularly in high burden countries in Africa. 

In support of END MALARIA COUNCIL, which is a committed group of global public sector and business leaders that sees Malaria eradication as a critical health and development priority, NOMAK joins in the movement to reducing cases and deaths and eliminate Malaria, putting us on a path to ending the disease for good.

Vector control is the best way to stop Malaria. Vector control is any method used to limit or eradicate mammals, birds, insects or other arthropods which transmit disease pathogens. The most frequent type of vector control is mosquito control using different methods .Vector control is a highly effective way to reduce the spread of malaria. WHO currently recommends deployment of either insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) or indoor residual spraying (IRS) for malaria vector control in most areas at risk of malaria. European center for disease prevention and control writes that Vector control measures depend on vector species, mosquito biology, epidemiological context, cost and acceptability by populations. The main current measures are focused on reduction of the contact between mosquitoes and humans, the destruction of larvae by environmental management and the use of larvicides or mosquito larvae predators, and the destruction of adult mosquitoes by indoor residual spraying and insecticide-treated bed nets.

Prevention of Malaria is easier and safer than treating the disease.

NOMAK introduces MOZZI, a multi-functional mosquito and insect repellant. This product is used to treat fabrics, walls and most of the places we use that mosquitoes hide. Once treated, they become repellant to mosquitoes.

What makes our product so special is the fact that it primarily works by repelling mosquitoes by keeping them away from humans. MOZZI repellant is a natural mosquito repellant.

MOZZI is indeed a solution to reduce the incidences of Malaria.


Malaria treatments


Where is Malaria the most common in the world?